I'm trying to upgrade to 1.2.4, but there's a problem with encrypting
mail with PGP 5. Let's say I've written a message to

After I enter "p" in the Compose menu, and then "e" for encrypt, I see
the message:
        "Looking for keys matching "recipient@fqdomain"...
for a few moments, then the message:
        "Enter keyID for recipient@fqdomain:"

Now, if I type in either a KeyID like 0x5B421795, or text that IDs
"recipient's" full name, and hit Enter, all that happens is that 
        "Enter keyID for recipient@fqdomain:"

I've sourced the file pgp5.rc, and my .muttrc-1.2.4i file gives no
error messages on startup. My Mutt-1.0i encrypts just fine, so I know
that pgp.cfg and keyrings are OK and accessible.

I feel that I'm overlooking something obvious, but what?

Howard Arons
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