On 2000-07-08 18:03:49 +0100, Thomas Ribbrock wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 01:33:10AM +0200, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> > Mutt-1.2.4 is out. This version fixes a couple of
> [...]
> ?! When was 1.2.3 announced - or did I manage to miss
> that announcement somehow? (The web site also still
> shows 1.2.2...)
No, you didn't. This version was actually supposed to be
1.2.3, but just after uploading, I noted that I had
forgotten to include the patch for a trivial to fix
segmentation fault with that version, so I immediately did
the next release.
There was no announcement for 1.2.3.
(Look at the time stamps on the FTP archive for details. ;-)