Is this stuff OK?  We're now freezing the wishlist and going to start on
the actual howtos now.


----- Forwarded message from Binand Raj S -----

From: Binand Raj S
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 16:20:34 +0530
To: Suresh Ramasubramanian 
Cc: Mrinal Kalakrishnan 
Subject: Re: (fwd) SourceForge Project Approved
User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.3i

Hash: SHA1

Suresh Ramasubramanian forced the electrons to say:
> You start with advanced tricks (but this is mutt for newbies, remember
> that) ;)

Hardly an advanced trick - just a few command line options plugged together...

But point noted.

> You slap together a howto on using pgp/gnupg with mutt please, Binand.
> That's priority.

OK - Will do. BTW, I haven't ever used PGP with mutt. ;-)

> Mrinal?  Why not do something about installing mutt from rpm, tarball,
> common problems, etc?

It doesn't compile all that well, especially the devel trees. I think the
prepare scripts sometimes works better that configure. And applying patches is
a pain...

BTW, what about a little comparison of mutt with other console mail clients?
Pine, elm etc.? Maybe mh? One of the major reason for pine's popularity is its
ease of use.

Maybe we should get someone else to write about debian systems.

A proposed TOC is:

1. What is mutt
2. How does it compare with other MUAs?
3. Getting, compiling and installing mutt
4. Starting mutt up and basic navigation through mailboxes
5. Command line options.
6. Config file options.
7. Advanced stuff - GPG/POP/IMAP/Macros/Bindings/Multiple mail accounts
8. Troubleshooting
9. Web resources
10. Cute mutt tips and tricks.

Some of the stuff is already there on Mutt-users archives are
going to be a great source of info.

The default manual.txt is not very elaborate, and at places, can be quite
intimidating. That is what we should overcome.


- -- 
main(int c,char **v){while(!fork()){strcpy(v[0],tmpnam(0));sleep(1);}}
A program that changes its name and pid every second.
Try this program at your own risk!   ---> Binand <---

Version: GnuPG v1.0.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


----- End forwarded message -----

Suresh Ramasubramanian + [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Life may have no meaning -- or even worse, it may have a meaning of
which I disapprove."

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