On Sat, Jul 01, 2000 at 03:26:31PM -0400, Bennett Todd muttered:
> 2000-07-01-13:20:27 Charles Curley:
> > I find that I am encrypting outgoing mail only to the recipent(s). That
> > makes the copy in my outbox rather useless. Is there a simple way to also
> > encrypt to myself, or do I need to hack the command line in gpg.rc? If the
> > latter, how?
> If you're using gpg.rc, then I'd be a-guessing you're using GnuPG,
> and in _that_ case there's an easy solution, entirely outside of
> mutt. In your $HOME/.gnupg/options, add an entry:
> encrypt-to 4ECDDFDB
> replacing 4ECDDFDB with your encrypting (ElGamal), rather than
> signing (DSA), key-id.
> The only caveat about this is, if you should ever want to try and
> use an anonymizer and send encrypted anonymous email, besides
> turning off digital signing, you'd also want to disable this --- the
> fact that it's also encrypted to you would be a strong hint to the
> recipient:-).
> -Bennett
I think that's got it; thanks!
-- C^2
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