</.qmail file>

|preline -f /usr/bin/procmail

On Fri, Jun 30, 2000 at 09:14:54PM -0700, Brian D. Winters muttered:
| > I am currently looking how to achieve procmail filtering via Qmail, but
| Have you tried:
| |preline procmail
| in your .qmail file?  (I believe that this is in the qmail
| documentation somewhere.)
| > in the mean time, why is there a (0) byte indication in the index of
| > every message that comes in???

Cool, i didn't know about this, and i do RTFM. When i ran inbox, it
worked, now it doesn't. Thanks for the pointer.
| I assume you are using maildirs?  Two solutions: 1) Go to
| www.mutt.org, and try reading the FAQ.  (Assumes you get procmail to
| work.)  2) Read up on index_format, and change from displaying lines
| to bytes.  For more details, search the mutt-users archives for
| "maildir" and "lines".
| Brian


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