On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 07:30:23AM -0400, David T-G wrote:

> % Come to think of it: the first section in the "How do I..." stuff should be
> % How do I ask questions correctly, How do I read the manual and What the hell
> Actually, that sounds like a very very good idea.  Perhaps the first part
> of the web page should have that, too!
> % does RTFM mean?? :)
> *grin*  Nah, we won't tell 'em that one :-)

Fine, I'll leave this one out. 
I'm writing this How do I ask questions correctly and How do I read the
manual. Is there anybody out there who has aready some "How do I ..." stuff
so I can stick to his/her layout?
If not, you'll have to take mine :)


PS: The latter may be considered as a threat! :)

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