At 6:54 AM EDT on June 14 Joachim Weiss sent off:
> Try mail-mode instead of auto-fill-mode. This gives you word wrap and
> it can handle quotations (if you are using font-lock-mode this gives you
> colored quotations, in addition emacs is able to rearrange paragraphs
> (M-q) with quotations in it, keeping the quote character in the first
> column...)
I recommend post mode
instead, since it'll give you all that and more without having emacs think that
it will be sending out your mail itself. Emacs, at least by default with my
version, uses a slightly different message format, but post has other
For if there is a sin against life, it consists perhaps not so much in
despairing of life as in hoping for another life and in eluding the
implacable grandeur of this life. - Albert Camus
Robert I. Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>