On Thu, Jun 22, 2000 at 12:49:11PM -0400, Thomas E. Dickey wrote:
> On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, Ken W wrote:
> > Hi there. I know this seems more like a tcsh question than a mutt
> > question, but I only see this behavior in mutt. Anyone know what
> > would make the screen clear after exiting mutt? I have it set up on
> > two difference Solaris servers, one running mutt 1.0 and the other
> > 1.0.1, both the same versions of tcsh, and both basically the same
> > .muttrc's and .tcshrc's. One machine clears the screen upon exiting
> > mutt, the other keeps what's left of mutt on the screen and gives you
> > a prompt.
> that's the xterm alternate screen (when setup, it's in the termcap
> ti/te capabilities, hence titeInhibit resource for xterm)
And can be set from .Xdefaults:
XTerm.VT100.titeInhibit: true
Jeff Abrahamson
(home email is [EMAIL PROTECTED])