On Mon, 26 Jun 2000 13:18:18 -0400 Brendan Cully <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Monday, 26 June 2000 at 15:21, Phil Chambers wrote:
> > I want to change the file structure used by our IMAP server (UoW 4.7c) but can't
> > do so while we have elm users. The solution seems to be to change those users to
> > mutt as it looks as if that would be reasonably painless. I would make mutt use
> > IMAP by putting the following in the /etc/Muttrc file:
> >
> > set spoolfile={imap.server}INBOX
> > set folder=(imap.server}Mail
> >
> > On trying this with version 1.2.2, I find that "INBOX" is not listed with the
> > folders in the imap browser. I tried adding:
> >
> > set imap_home_namespace={imap.server}Mail
> >
> > in /etc/Muttrc, but this made no difference. I had a quick look at the code in
> > imap/browse.c but could not afford the time to work out what it was doing!
> no kidding. I've been attempting to reacquaint myself with this code
> after an extended break, and it's still giving me a headache, even
> though I've touched most of this code...
> > Can anyone suggest how I might get INBOX listed with the folders?
> try the following:
> set spoolfile={server}INBOX
> set folder={server}
> set imap_home_namespace=Mail
> hopefully that will work...
> -Brendan
Thanks for the response, but:
Tried that but then got a list of two items: "INBOX" and "~" (i.e. no folders
listed at all). It also means that I have to type "=Mail/foldername" in order to
open "foldername" which is not very tidy.
Phil Chambers ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
University of Exeter