On Mon, 19 Jun 2000 17:01:42 +0300, =?iso-8859-1?Q?Mikko_H=E4nninen?= wrote:
>Brett Coon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Mon, 19 Jun 2000:
>> 2. The feature I *really* want in a mailtool is the ability to
>> (conveniently) put various attributes on messages, such as
>> "answer within 1 week", "delete after 2 weeks", etc, and
>> have the mailtool act accordingly on messages with these
>> attributes.
>I think the current dev version has support for user-editable X-Label,
>which can then be matched with some operator (I forget what, maybe it
>was ~y? It's free at least). You can't really make Mutt remind you
>of things automatically (eg. you can't put "answer within 1 week" and
>then have Mutt remind you at the end of that week if you've not yet
>replied to the message), but you could use it to mark messages as
>"reply to this" and such, and then use appropriate limit operations
>(perhaps with macros).
>This is the dev version though, it will be awhile until it makes its
>way to the next stable. Not that the dev version is really unreliable
>or anything.
So, it sounds like I could define my own set of fields and flags
for X-Label, create some mutt macros to allow me to manipulate
the X-Label flags, and then setup mutt to use patterns in these
X-Label fields to display and organize messages. If X-Labels
contained a field meaning something such as "delete in N days",
or "reply in N days", it should be a simple task to create a perl
script to scan the X-Label headers for overdue messages and
insert flags that the mutt patterns understand.
Brett Coon - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.rahul.net/brett
Randy Watson: Let's hear for my band, Sexual Chocolate!
[185] "Coming to America" (1988)