I actually found a patch to mutt that someone has done to do this with
mutt. Gets all the headers and stores them in mboxs.


Note from page:

What does it do?

Same thing as any other news-reader, really. Except in the sense that
most readers work in an online mode, where you
are constantly connected to the news-server, getting each post as you
read it. mutt-nntp works a little differently. It
downloads all new posts in each group in your feed, and store them in
folders of your liking, letting you manipulate them
as any other mailbox. Posts, on the other hand, are sent to the server
as soon as they are written, except when mutt
works in offline mode, and just spools them to a file, for an external
program to post them later.

I have added a special composing menu and prompt-set for news-articles
and a menu to work with the newsfeed and
decide which groups to get and where to store the articles. Other than
that, it is a perfectly normal mutt, version 1.0.1
and 1.2. If compiled without NNTP support, it behaves exactly like the
'real' version. If compiled with NNTP, the extra
functionality is enabled without removing any of the mail-capabilities.

Worth noting is that so far I have not modified the internal editor to
be aware of news-articles, thus you will not be able
to modify newsgroups from within the editor. I use vim myself, so it
hasn't come up yet. I might get around to it one
day, if I'm bored enough.

On Thu, Jun 15, 2000 at 04:21:25PM +0300, Anatoly Vorobey uttered:
| I have a, possibly, unusual question. I find it convenient
| to fetch news from a remote server in large batches and
| store them as mbox folders, for reading with mutt. Threading
| works fine, so why not? Now, the question is, can I use
| mutt's reply to compose a good followup message? 
| -- 
| Anatoly Vorobey,
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://pobox.com/~mellon/
| "Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly" - G.K.Chesterton


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