On Thu, Jun 15, 2000 at 08:18:37AM -0400, David T-G wrote:
> % Sometimes, my connection goes down before I get a chance to expunge,
> % and have to figure out what I had set to delete all over again.
> Is this your IMAP connection or, just because I'm still not quite sure
> what you're asking, your telnet connection to a remote shell running
> mutt on [it's] local folders?  In the latter case, I live and breathe

I'm on box A running mutt.  I connect to box B a state (and about 17 
hops) away via IMAP to access my e-mail.  When I press 'd', it marks
it as deleted in the local header tree on box A, but doesn't set the
flag on the remote box B IMAP server.  When I do a re-sync, mutt goes
through a set of "setting message flags" (or something like that),
and then expunges everything I've marked for deletion.

What I'd like is for mutt to send the "mark this deleted" to the 
IMAP server when I mark it for deletion.  I know this can be an
expensive operation (network lag being what it is and all), so
making it a configuration option is perfectly reasonable.  I'm
willing to take the performance hit, others may not be.

Hope this clears it up.

> by iscreen's ability to keep my processes alive and let me hook to it
> when I log back in after being kicked off...

Yeah, I've used screen before, and it is wonderful.  But it doesn't
help so much in this case where the IMAP connection gets severed
either by Mr. Backhoe or by <insert ISP routing packets to /dev/null
or in a circle here.>  Nor does it help if I spend a long time writing
a response and the IMAP session times out.

John Franklin
ICBM: 35°48'19"N 78°46'39"W

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