Hello Jason!

On Sat, 10 Jun 2000, Jason Helfman wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 10, 2000 at 07:36:50AM +0200, Wilhelm Wienemann muttered:

> This is wonderful, but I am a bit of a newbie when it comes to
> scripting and whatnot. Is the first part of this a patch?

No, it's a macro-file. On my box I've all my macros in the
$HOME/.slrn directory and here it is called .slrn-mua.sl
To load (interpret) it with my $HOME/.slrnrc file I have to
add a line like

interpret ".slrn/.slrn-mua.sl"

-----------------------> cut here <------------------------ -
% replacement forward and reply functions for slrn.
% these will drop you to your normal mail user agent.

variable mua_script="/usr/local/bin/slrn-mua.sh";

define my_reply_to_article ()
  pipe_article (Sprintf ("%s -reply", mua_script, 1));

define my_forward_article ()
  pipe_article (Sprintf ("%s -forward", mua_script, 1));

definekey ("my_reply_to_article", "r", "article");
definekey ("my_forward_article", "F", "article");


> How would I go about exectuing all of this...?

The following shell script wrapper is located as slrn-mua.sh 
in the directory /usr/local/bin/ 

#!/bin/sh --

# A small script which is used to reply to or forward an
# article from within slrn.
# The article is expected to come on stdin, while $1 is either
# -reply or -forward.

# where is mutt located?

# where is formail?

TMPDIR=${TMPDIR-/tmp}/`basename $0`.$$
mkdir -m 0700 $TMPDIR || { echo "can't create $TMPDIR!" >& 2 ; exit ; }

trap "rm -rf $TMPDIR; trap '' 0; exit" 0 1 2 3 4

cat > $TMPDIR/article

# get various headers

SUBJECT="`formail -z -x Subject: < $TMPDIR/article`"
DATE="`formail -z -x Date: < $TMPDIR/article`"
FROM="`formail -z -x From: < $TMPDIR/article`"
REPLY_TO="`formail -z -x Reply-To: < $TMPDIR/article`"
MESSAGE_ID="`formail -z -x Message-ID: < $TMPDIR/article`"
REFERENCES="`formail -z -x References: < $TMPDIR/article`"

exec > $TMPDIR/template

# functions

prepare_reply () {
    if [ -n "$REPLY_TO" ] ; then
        echo "To: $REPLY_TO"
        echo "To: $FROM"

    if [ -n "$MESSAGE_ID" ] ; then
        echo "In-Reply-To: $MESSAGE_ID"
        echo "References: $REFERENCES $MESSAGE_ID"

    echo -n "Subject: "

    if [ -z "$SUBJECT" ] ; then
        echo "Re: your mail"
        echo -n "Re: "
        echo "$SUBJECT" | sed -e 's/^Re: *//'

    echo "On $DATE, $FROM wrote:" | fmt

    sed -e 's/^/> /' $TMPDIR/article

prepare_forward () {
    echo "Subject: Fwd: $SUBJECT"
    echo "----- Forwarded message -----"
    cat $TMPDIR/article
    echo "---- End forwarded message-----"

# main

case "$1" in
        echo "usage: `basename $0` {-reply|-forward}" >& 2
        exit 1

exec > /dev/tty

$MUTT -H $TMPDIR/template < /dev/tty

-----------------------> cut here <------------------------ -

Note: The Shell-script needs the executable permissions for
          its users. This is usually done by a 'chmod -v 755 slrn-mua.sh'
          as root in the destination directory. 

Now every time you use a 'r' to do a reply or a 'F' to do a
forwarding in slrn it will use 'mutt'.

Enjoy it! :-))

bye - Wilhelm

-- _ _          __  __ Wilhelm Wienemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| (_)_ __  _   _\ \/ /   -> For a better taste - Linux Inside
| | | '_ \| | | |\  /    -> Blue screens for Linux background only
| | | | | | |_| |/  \    -> Enjoy Linux and the Power of Open Source
|_|_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\ Registered-Linux-User: 70712 http://counter.li.org/

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