Lars Hecking proclaimed on mutt-users that:
>> You would probably be better off with some tool that is meant for
>> composing and sending MIME-messages from the command line, for example
>> I have a program called metasend on my Debian system.
> I have this phantastic tool on my system which is called "mutt". :-)
> If it's acceptable to send the html as an attachment and an empty body,
> one could use
> mutt -s "subject" -a file.html recipient </dev/null
Far better to use some commandline mailer for this - like metamail, say
> metamail [-b] [-B] [-d] [-e] [-h] [-r] [-R] [-p] [-P] [-x] [-y] [-z]
> [-c content-type] [-E content-transfer-encoding] [-f from-name] [-m
> mailername] [-s subject] [message-file-name]
Or there is always MIME::Tools
Suresh Ramasubramanian + [EMAIL PROTECTED]
However, never daunted, I will cope with adversity in my traditional
manner ... sulking and nausea.
-- Tom K. Ryan