Yip Weng [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> By default, my .muttrc collapses all threads. I find it difficult to
> distinguish between (i) mail with underlying threads, and (ii)
> singular mail. Where there is *new* mail underlying a thread, there is
> a big fat 'N' to indicate this. However, where I am browsing old mail,
> I find it better if there is some marking to show which threads are
> single and which are multiple.
> Any suggestions?
I use this:
set index_format="%3C%?M?+& ?
there's more to $index_format, but that's the relevant part.
%3C gives the number of the message, and as someone else noted, if a thread
is collpased, there's a jump in the numbering. Then the %?M?+& ? says "if
there are messages hidden because of a collapsed thread, show a +, else a
space". So I get something like:
1 blah
2 blah
8 blah
14 blah
This works for me, you could use the same method to stick any kind of
marker you wanted in for a collapsed thread.
Jeremy Blosser | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://jblosser.firinn.org/
the crises posed a question / just beneath the skin
the virtue in my veins replied / that quitters never win
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