for my_hdr I have: ## mutt.personal 1.29.00 # Personals my_hdr From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Jason Helfman # Real Name But my name comes out as JasonHelfman on the from line? Why is this? -- /helfman "At any given moment, you may find the ticket to the circus that has always been in your possession." Fingerprint: 2F76 2856 776A 3E07 9F3E 452A 17D9 9B28 D75E 0A36 GnuPG Get Private! 1024D/D75E0A36
- Re: my_hdr jgh
- Re: my_hdr Suresh Ramasubramanian
- Re: my_hdr David T-G
- Re: my_hdr Joshua Stein
- Re: my_hdr Nils Vogels
- my_hdr Ethan Pierce
- Re: my_hdr Daniel J Peng
- Re: my_hdr Gary Johnson