Opps dunno what happened to the last mail. Anyways

I get the correct list of folders when I do a c<tab><tab> but when I am
editing/reading mail (my understanding) is that mutt should tell me if I
get new mail in any of the mailboxes I have defined, is this correct or am
I misunderstanding this.  What should the mailboxes command do, just so I
know if what I think it does is correct

 Graham Lillico

 ITNET                  E-Mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The Hollies            Phone   : +44 1785 782286
 Newport Road           GNet    : 755 286
 ST16 1BY

 Key fingerprint = 2F4A 7D1D 7561 FFCF B744  CB0A 91AF 97D6 5BCB 17EE

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