Aravind --
...and then Gottipati Aravind said...
% Sometime around Wed, Jun 07, 2000 at 08:53:25AM +0200, clemensF said:
% >
% > where to find new mail. no mistakes, works always (version 1.0.1).
% That sucks! you have 1.0.1 and it works andI have 1.2 and it still
Don't worry; it will work once you get the bugs (er, user errors)
tweaked :-)
% doesn't work. oh well.. like "Mikko Hanninen" pointed out in the earlier
% mails.. I guess something is messing up the "timestamps" on my folders
That's most likely.
% and thats the reason mutt does not recognize my new mail files. Well I
% tried changing my muttrc so that it looks like yours.. I put in that !
% sign to say its incoming mail, but it still doesn't recognize it..
% either its the timestamp thats messed up or I am too tired and doing it
% wrong.. This is how my muttrc looks like. I will check it again tomorrow
% morning and try to make it work.
Well, I see a little problem here...
% set folder=~/mail
% mailboxes ! `echo $folder/*`
% source ~/.addressesmutt
You don't have $spoolfile set, so if it's not /var/spool/mail/$USER (or
maybe /var/mail/$USER if that's what your system wants to use and mutt
was able to pick that up at configure time) then '!' won't make any
The biggest kicker is that I don't think that muttrc variables, like
$folder, are available to subshells. What your mailboxes setting
actually works out to, I'll bet a twinkie, is
mailboxes `echo /*`
and that probably doesn't do you any good :-)
Here's how my .mutt/muttrc looks for this bit:
# set spoolfile=""
set folder="~/Mail"
#mailboxes =F.* ### why doesn't this work??
mailboxes $MAIL `echo $HOME/Mail/F.*`
As you can see, I don't have to set $spoolfile because the configuration
picked it up. I set $folder just to be safe; I dunno if I really need to
or not. I had originally tried using mutt expandos (the "=") in my
mailboxes line, but eventually had to use the old echo format -- and had
to point to $HOME/Mail instead of $folder or = when I did.
% And all my mailing list files are in that mail directory, so that can't
% go wrong. and my spool file is the default spool file, I didn't change
% it. oh well.. tomorrow!
HTH & HAND :-)
% thank you
% Aravind
David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
The "new millennium" starts at the beginning of 2001. There was no year 0.
Note: If gives you fits, try in its place. *sigh*
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