Andrew Paul Rossetti proclaimed on mutt-users that: 

>I was trying to set up mutt so that the program automatically starts in
>the folder ~/Mail/inbox.mbx instead of the spool directory and when I run

set spoolfile='~/Mail/inbox.mbx'       # location of new mail
mailboxes `echo ~/Mail/*`              # all mailboxes to check

>fetchmail ( ) that it will download to this folder instead of my sool
>file as well, how might I go about doing this? Also I was wondering how

Use procmail for this.

>might I set mutt up so that I use a different smtp server? Thank you for
>the help. -Andrew Rossetti

Not mutt - set the DS flag in your (or whatever is the
smarthosting setting in your mta - qmail, postfix etc) to do this.

Suresh Ramasubramanian | sureshr at
If money can't buy happiness, I guess you'll just have to rent it.

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