On Mon, Jun 05, 2000 at 12:08:53AM -0400, David T-G wrote:
> To open a compressed mailbox, you have to decompress it, right?  So the
> open-hook command tells mutt to unzip (gzip -d) to stdout (-c) from %f
> (the actual folder file) to %t (the temp file); mutt is smart enough to
> then look at the temp file.

Does this mean mutt qould keep a decompressed copy of the mailbox about
while it was opened? Or does it keep the decompressed mailbox about
just when scanning for headers or does it just pipe the decompressed
mailbox and not care for temp files with it in?

CaT ([EMAIL PROTECTED])                       URL: http://www.zip.com.au/dev/null

        'He had position, but I was determined to score.'
                -- Worf, DS9, Season 5: 'Let He Who Is Without Sin...'

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