I found this in the procmailex man page:
Store all the messages about meetings in a folder that is
in a directory that changes every month. E.g. if it were
January 1994, the folder would have the name `94-01/meet
ing' and the locallockfile would be `94-01/meeting.lock'.
* meeting
`date +%y-%m`/meeting
The same as above, but, if the `94-01' directory wouldn't
have existed, it is created automatically:
MONTHFOLDER=`date +%y-%m`
:0 Wic
* ? test ! -d $MONTHFOLDER
* meeting
I know there is something similar in mutt? Suggestions for handling
this are appreciated? I recall trying this with mutt, but it has yet to
"At any given moment, you may find the ticket to the circus that has always
been in your possession."
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