On 000530, at 15:27:11, Bob Bell wrote:
> On Tue, May 30, 2000 at 08:55:11PM +0300, Mikko Hnninen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I wonder how something like this could be implemented? It would be
> > quite unpractical to keep a list of tagging order or anything like that.
> My thoughts exactly. I'd tag all relevant messages, and then just
> hit ';g' or whatever over the message where I want the followups to
> appear. This would be a really nice feature, ...
Don Blaheta implemented a version of this for mutt 0.80 in August
1997. He nevr quite finished it, and no one else picked it up. I
still have the message he posted to the list with the patche, if you
can't find it in an archive.
David Ellement <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>