Well it should be lurking in the mail queue /var/spool/mqueue.
The "sendmail" or some other MTA  should carry it away next time
you hook up to the internet.

Martin Holland has some good stuff on setting up both fetchmail
and sendmail (on  RedHat too)


If configuring sendmail his way doesn't work there is a neat perl
script that walks you through the process

install sendmail



Glyn M.

On Tue, May 30, 2000 at 10:35:29AM -0400, thus spake Hardy Merrill:
> Newbie POP question - I've configured my Redhat 6.1 system at home
> to use Mutt 1.2 *with* POP enabled.  I have the POP options popluated
> with the proper values for my ISP, and the "G" function to
> retrieve mail from my ISP works fine, but how do I send mail?
> Mail that I'm sending doesn't seem to get out - I think it's
> sitting in my "outbox".  What more do I need to do?
> Thanks.
> - -- 
> Hardy Merrill
> Mission Critical Linux, LLC
> http://www.missioncriticallinux.com
> ------------------------------
> End of mutt-users-digest V1 #414
> ********************************

       * "The soul is greater than the hum of its parts. "  *
       *                 Douglas Hoftstatder                *

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