On Thu May 18, 2000 at 09:44:31AM +0100, Telsa Gwynne muttered:
> On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 12:38:31PM +0530 or thereabouts, Suresh Ramasubramanian
> > Martti Rahkila proclaimed on mutt-users that:
> >
> > >http://www.iki.fi/martti.rahkila/mutt/profiles.html
> >
> > You could send your .muttrc to dotfiles.org if you think it is special, so
> > that other users can adapt it to their needs.
> That would be cool.
Hmm, I'm not sure if there's anything special in my muttrc apart
from the profile macros. In fact, my muttrc is pretty much the
same as Roland Rosenfeld's ultimate mutt settings execpt that
I have all the sender related parameters in separate profile files.
> > >Maybe it's even worth adding to the Mutt link page or FAQ
> > >once its ready?
> >
> > I dunno, The mutt faq and manual documents this pretty ok, afaik :)
> > Pretty good one though.
> I think it's worth linking. The problem with the manual is that it's
> so very massive and organised in a particular fashion. It's a fantastic
> reference once you have an idea of what's going on. It's not great if
> you are new and simply want to know "How do I (set up profiles|get
> PGP/GnuPG working|organise folders)?": ie, one particular little task
> which involves some stuff from section 4 about patterns, and a whole
> bunch of variables which are scattered through section 6 in alphabetical
> rather than "things which are often tweaked together" order.
> I'm not complaining about the manual, btw: I think it's great, and I
> don't think you can combine both a reference and a list of such tasks
> easily into one document. I do think, however, that as well as all
> the muttrcs linked off www.mutt.org where we all try to explain
> every variable we use, some things like this which explain one particular
> task would be great.
I agree, the idea of a profile is simple but in order to make good use
of it, you have to dig up several things from the manual.
Like how to define macros, what variables affect sending,
replying, pgp and so on.
For example, I would have never thought of procmail filtering incoming
mail for getting pgp to work properly :-)
Anyway, thanks, Telsa and Suresh, for your quick response!
Martti Rahkila
- yet another (happy) Mutt-user