John --
...and then John P. Verel said...
% I've received a couple of attachments which are MS Word in format.
Well, they are MS Word documents, but they have been encoded for mailing.
% They were forwarded to me by another recipient.
That's where it always starts ;-)
% The attachments are preceded by the following text:
% UUEncoded file named: 1073313B.doc follows)
% (Its format is: Lotus Manuscript 1.0 )
Here's your answer: instead of having been encoded with a modern MIME
method (base64 or quoted-printable), they were encoded with uuencode (or
the built-in equivalent on the originator's MUA).
If you get mail from this (these) person(s) regularly, you might suggest
to him/her (them) that he/she (they) change the MUA's attachment settings
to MIME.
% Following that is the ASCII encoded mess.
% If I re-send the message, pick it up in W98/MSWord, (you'll pardon the
% expression ;), it is decoded properly and can be opened just fine.
I presume you mean "re-send the message to an address that uses LookOut!,
use that to save it, and then open the saved attachment in MSWord". It's
no great shakes to decode a uuencoded file (can you guess how? :-) but
it's not a standard MIME type and probably just showed up as embedded in
the text body instead of attached (think the whole "old-style vs MIME PGP
signing" religious war).
% I routinely receive MS Word attachments in mutt, save and use them
% just fine.
I presume you mean "from other folks instead of this person who uses
uuencode instead of MIME"...
% I'm supposing that this is a mime or mailcap issue, but I'm not sure.
% Any guidance will be appreciated.
Any time you get one of these, since you are presumably using mutt on a
*NIX-type system (and if you have it working under Win98, tell us all!),
just pipe it thru uudecode to get the original file. You may have to
look around a bit, since those WinDoze folks like to embed spaces in the
filenames that mess up simple programs like uudecode.
% Thanks.
% John
David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
The "new millennium" starts at the beginning of 2001. There was no year 0.
Note: If gives you fits, try in its place. *sigh*
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