I'm using mutt version 1.2i on a Solaris 7 platform with Sendmail 8.9.3
and have the following two questions:
1: When I compose a new message or reply, the message header in my editor
has the following line:
From: Jeffery Small <jeff@>
Notice the missing domain portion of the address. When the message is
mailed the line ends up reading:
From: Jeffery Small <>
This is new behavior in this recent version of mutt. Is this a change
that was made as some form of anti-spam measure? Is there a variable I
can set to restore the proper behavior of inserting the correct address
on the From: line?
2: I mentioned this once before but never got a reply. In most cases,
I can use either <TAB> or <SPACE> for filename completion. However,
when I 'c'hange to a new mailbox, the <TAB> key works but the <SPACE>
key will not perform filename completion. Do other people observe
this behavior? If not, is there some variable that controls this
Thanks for your responses.
C. Jeffery Small Architect CJSA LLC (206) 232-3338
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 7000 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island, WA 98040