On Tue, May 23, 2000 at 14:00:34 +0100, Chris Green wrote:
> I want to be able to have macros that will expand to such things as
> domain names which can be used anywhere.  For example I send a lot of
> mail to *different* users at both my work domain (kbss.bt.co.uk) and
> my home domain (isbd.demon.co.uk).  It would be nice if I could set up
> (two character?) macros that would expand to these domains rather than
> having to type them in every time.

You can. Try for example these macros:

macro editor ?w @kbss.bt.co.uk
macro editor ?h @isbd.demon.co.uk

> The existing macro facility doesn't help because the macros
> are only detected at the beginning of any command.

No, editor macros are detected anywhere when you are typing in
response to one of Mutt's prompts.


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