Log in as root, and touch a mailbox for the user

On Mon, May 22, 2000 at 11:38:26PM +0100, Manuel Arriaga muttered:
| Hi everyone,
| I know this is offtopic, but following the advice of some list members I created a 
|new account for myself on my machine so that I don't run as root all the time, but 
|there is no /var/spool/mail/manel file for it... so when I ran fetchmail I think all 
|the retrieved messages where lost; can anyone tell me how to allow this other user 
|(=me!) to use email?
| When I start mutt, I get a errno 2 message, saying 
| "/var/spool/mail/manel: No such file or directory (errno = 2)".
| Any tips?
| Thank you in advance.
| Bye,
| Manuel


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