* Bob Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000522 20:36]:

> > 4- what is the path of the mailboxes mutt creates? At the main index mutt says it 
>is looking at "/var/spool/mail/manel", but where is the other mailbox ("mailbox2") I 
>created inside mutt?

>     Depends on the settings in your .muttrc, and how you specified the
> mailbox.  Try `find ~ -name mailbox2` and then `find / -name mailbox2`

Just don't try the latter on your companies big NFS server with a few
100Gigs of diskspace mounted ...

Oh, and depending on the OS your on,don't forget to include the -print
(as in find ~ -name mailbox2 -print)
it would be a waste to find over a few 100G of diskapce only to see nothing
printed because you're using an older version of find where -print is not
on by default  (SunOS 4.X comes to mind)

        Gerhard,  <@jasongeo.com>   == The Acoustic Motorbiker ==       
   __O  Some say the end is near.
 =`\<,  Some say we'll see armageddon soon
(=)/(=) I certainly hope we will
        I could use a vacation

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