[EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Sun, 21 May 2000:
> thank you for all the tips! Now everything works fine:

Good to hear that. :-)

> I would just like to know how the "email-gurus" :-) retrieve their
> email, enter their MUA and then have it sent to their ISP without using
> as many commands as I do:
> #fetchmail
> #mutt
> #.send (name of a small script that came with postfix)
> Is their any straightforward way of getting your email, editing any
> reply and sending it out?

You can make fetchmail run in the background in "daemon" mode, and tell
it how often it should check for new mail.  Setting this time value to
something like 15 mins (or maybe 10 or 5 mins, if you want to get new
mail sooner) will mean you get your mail from the POP server
automatically.  You can also tell fetchmail not to get mail unless a
given network interface (ppp0 in your case, very likely) is up (ie.

As for sending, I have never used Postfix myself but it should probably
attempt sending any new mail as soon as it's put into the mail queue (by
running /usr/bin/sendmail).  If it doesn't, well I don't know how to
make it do that. :-)  Of course, if you're not connected the sending
will fail, but Postfix will likely just try again later.  I don't know,
but I'm guessing that running ".send" will queue all email for immediate
delivery, so you can put that into your "ip-up" script (the script which
gets executed every time your net connection comes up).

What I actually would do myself, if I was using a dialup connection,
would be to use something not as "heavy duty" as Postfix but would
rather use something intended for dialup-users: MasqMail, nullmailer,
or sSMTP.  Links to all of these are provided on the Mutt links page.
I've not used them myself, but at least they've been written for dialup
users, so they should suit that purpose well. :-)  While Postfix can
probably be adapted to work well in such an environment, you probably
need some special configuration for that.

> Oh, and just one last question: do you know of any way in which I can a
> leave mutt running in one virtual terminal, and have it watch for any
> new messages retrieved (automatically) by fetchmail in the meantime?

Sure, it does that automatically.  If new email arrives in the folder
that Mutt currently has open, it'll automatically (try to) detect the
changes and display the new folder index.

If you list certain folders with the "mailboxes" command in your
.muttrc, Mutt will also watch those mail folders for new mail, even if
you don't currently happen to be in them.  When new mail arrives Mutt
will tell you about it with a message on the status line.

Hope this helps,
// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //  http://www.iki.fi/wiz/
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
"I am a veritable epitome of eloquence and -- umm, other stuff." -Anirion

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