I have finally got a macro that does what I want, takes the current
message and allows me to browse a remote IMAP system to save the
message.  This is mostly thanks to all the help and feedback I got
here over the past few weeks - I expect everyone got pretty bored with
all my questions and moans about the browser.

The macro I have which does what I want is:-
    macro index ,s "s?c^U{x-1.net:50143}INBOX.^M"

For just reading/browsing the folders I have:-
    macro index ,c "c?c^U{x-1.net:50143}INBOX^M"

It's not exactly neat or elegant but it gets the job done perfectly
well so I'm happy now.

Let me just explain why I'm doing this, I run mutt on four systems, work,
home, this Linux login account and another login account.  I wanted to
set up a place where I could save any 'important' messages so they're
viewable from any of my systems.  All four systems get quite a lot of mail
'locally' and most of it doesn't need to go to the IMAP server, it's just
the odd message, a few each day, that I want to put on the IMAP server.

I have set up Courier IMAP on this system as a user (I have no root
access) and now, with the above mutt macro, I can save mail to here
quite easily.  The browsing is necessary because I don't want to have
to remember what I've called all the mail folders.

So, once again, thanks everyone!

  WWW: http://www.isbd.co.uk/

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