On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 12:29:02PM +0300, Mikko Hänninen wrote:
> Frank Derichsweiler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Mon,
>15 May 2000:
> > Using list-reply will produce a MFT header (iff followup_to is set)
> > just before sending the mail. The MFT header is *NOT* shown in the
> > mail editor.
> >
> > Feature wish:
> > IMHO it would be better to generate it in oder to be able to "see" it
> > within the mail editor.
> I think this is explained in the manual, but I'm not sure...
MFT is described in the manual, yes. But the other header modifications
(e.g. myhdr ) are displayed within the editor. Therefore I would like
to see a line. "Please note, that MFT header is generated after
editing the mail just before actually transmitting it via smtp".
> Anyway,
> the reason why it's only added at sending time is so that Mutt doesn't
> know before that whether you're sending the email to some mailing list
> or not.
Using list-reply, mutt knows, that I am replying to the List,
therefore could add the MFT for that list.
> When Mutt is sending the mail, it looks if any of the addresses
> are mailing lists -- if there are, it'll generate the MFT header
> accordingly. If you think about this for a moment you will see the
> logic in this behaviour.
Yes, I could use list-reply and add cc to another list ...
No problem with the mutt behaviour, just an idea to prevent somebody
else from spending too much time with trying to produce MFT headers ...