Yuzhendo & Zhendong (perhaps one and the same) --

...and then [EMAIL PROTECTED] said...
% Can we use Procmail to play with the compressed mail folders? Since I
% found that even when mutt can deal with compressed folders, procmail
% will not deliver mails in compressed format. So there will some
% problems.

...and then Zhendong said...
% Then what about the supporting for compressed mail folders in procmail
% when using mutt? I use procmail to deliver mails to different mail 
% folders. After I've changed the mutt folders to gz format, procmail 
% still delivers mails as uncompressed format, they can not work well 
% together.

I'll leave the explanation from our friend clemens alone and also leave
all of the credit for the rant :-)

Yes, you can use procmail with compressed folders by compressing your
incoming mail (| gzip -c) before it writes to the folder (>> <box>.gz).
Be sure that you do sufficient locking (no, I still haven't really figured
out procmmail locking and when I should specifiy a lock and when not
and ...) to guarantee that only one stream at a time is appended to your
mailbox; mixing two at once is bad even if the file doesn't get wiped.

Before messing with all of that, though, I'd ask "why on earth are you
delivering to a compressed folder??" because it's just one more step to
handle.  In order for mutt to read the compressed folder it's going to
have to uncompress it to a temp file first, and you certainly don't want
to have to mess with that every time you go to read mail.  Why not
deliver to an uncompressed mailbox (of some sort -- mbox, maildir, MH) as
usual, read your mail as usual, and then archive (perhaps with good old
$move though you may have to do some tweaking to tell it how to move from
<box> to <box>.gz) to a compressed folder?  The mail is still available
in case you need to go back in time, but the stuff you're likely to use
regularly is *easy* to use.

Just my twenty millibucks; YMMV.  HTH & HAND!

David T-G                       * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED]      * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.bigfoot.com/~davidtg/        Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
The "new millennium" starts at the beginning of 2001.  There was no year 0.
Note: If bigfoot.com gives you fits, try sector13.org in its place. *sigh*

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