On Fri, May 19, 2000 at 11:20:09PM +0300, Mikko Hänninen wrote:
> Matthew Dharm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 18 May 2000:
> > (2) I'm _replying_ to mail that was sent to a mailing list. This is the
> > tough case -- the To: field is some other random address, and the list
> > isn't mentioned in the headers (note that I'm not list-replying or
> > group-replying). So far I haven't figured out how to do this.
> Do you want to set your From header when you're sending *to* a mailing
> list? That can be done with send-hook and the ~l pattern operator.
> If not, and you really mean what you say, then this isn't currently
> do-able in Mutt.
I really mean what I say.
> > I guess what I'm basically looking for is a reply-hook. Something that I
> > can use to change things based on the message I'm replying to. Does
> > anything like that exist?
> Nope, sorry. There's been talk of ways to solve this, and I think even
> the best way has been figured out (creating a pseudo-operator which tells
> that the next pattern operator should match against the headers of the
> replied-to message, not the current message, which could then be used in
> send-hooks). It's just that nobody's done it yet.
Interesting. I guess people view 'reply' as just a special case of
'send'... I actually view them as very different things, but oh well.
> > Would it be possible to get it added as a
> > feature?
> Sure, if you write it, or get someone to write it for you. :-)
Well, if nobody is working on this, can someone give me a couple of
pointers of good places to start? After the linux kernel, this can't be
too hard (famous last words).
> Actually, you can also match against the *From* address in a send-hook
> as well. I'm not sure if this helps you at all, but you can use that
> to find out when your from address has changed based on $reverse_name.
> And I've not tried this, but I think you can also override the From
> address from $reverse_name with the use of my_hdr From.
The problem is that reverse_name doesn't change my address because the mail
I'm replying to was addressed to a mailing list, not to any of my
alternates. So my from is my default from.
Matt Dharm
Matthew Dharm Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Engineer, QCP Inc. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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