David T-G proclaimed on mutt-users that: 

>Of course, if you already have one, then it probably *is* the easier way
>to go ;-)

It is, believe me :)  And you wouldn't believe the amount of spam it
attracts :)

>I'd probably be of about the same viewpoint, since I do, too (I counted
>them the other day for ssome need and was surprised at how many!).  So 
>I'd write the script to allow a -f parameter and to be smart enough to
>look for the To: address ;-)

Am a bit lazy, shall we say :)  Yep, a _lot_ of thing can be done by
piping mail to a script, but still - I have this setup, and it works :)

>Hmmm...  This is starting to sound like a fun little hack, except I
>don't like the idea of DSN in the first place so I'm not likely to bother.

DSN _does_ have its uses - like certified mail has in the real world :)

Suresh Ramasubramanian | sureshr at staff.juno.com
Computers are not intelligent.  They only think they are.

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