Thanks, but aren't you supposed to be able to browse the IMAP folder to attach files 
with? If not, is there a way to automatically tell mutt where to get attached files 
from ? (e.g ~/ ).


> More than enough to go on :)  Mutt is trying to search for the attached
> file on your IMAP server.  Try giving the explicit path of the file, and
> rely on tab to autocomplete long unix paths -
> a
> File to attach: ~/foo/bar/baz/quux/attachment.html
> [It worked when I was reading my mails from a M$ sexchange folder through
> IMAP (which sexchange implements badly) not so long ago, till I could
> convince my sysad to shift my mailbox to the sun box]
> hth
> -s
> -- 
> Suresh Ramasubramanian | sureshr at
> Do molecular biologists wear designer genes?

 David S. Glaser  AKA Grizz     |        
 M&M Systems Administrator      | Forget virus scanning. Its all about "re-
 U201 M&ME Building             | education". Preferably in a parking lot with
 Houghton, MI 49931             | a tire iron.   - BOFH
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]               |  

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