Hardy Merrill [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> Bob Waskosky [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> > On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 09:55:51AM +0800, wrote:
> > > Can anybody tell me how I can get the nice menu buttons on
> > > the top and text menus at the bottom as seen on the screen shot
> > > at URL.
> > >
> > > http://www.mutt.org//screenshots/browser.gif
> > >
> > > I was only able to get a text menu on top of the screen.
> >
> > Look for a file called Eterm.menu - mine was at
>/usr/X11R6/share/Eterm/themes/Eterm. You may also find a mutt theme already there.
>The *.menu file is the one Eterm reads for its menu bar. Eterm must be called using
>the theme name ie: Eterm -t mutt -e mutt -f ~/Maildir
> > I made a directory ~/.Eterm/themes/e-mail and copied Eterm.menu to that directory
>then modified it to suit my needs.
> What if you don't have that "Eterm.menu" file on your system?
> I'm on a RedHat 6.1 Linux system - should Eterm.menu be there?
> Or is there another package that I need?
Well, you have to have Eterm installed. I don't know if RH ever got around
to shipping that with the dist or not. If not, try www.eterm.org.
The menu in those screenshots can be found at
But be warned that it's for an old version of Eterm and won't work with the
latest versions.
Jeremy Blosser | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://jblosser.firinn.org/
the crises posed a question / just beneath the skin
the virtue in my veins replied / that quitters never win
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