On Wed, May 17, 2000 at 08:20:45PM +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> Chris Green proclaimed on mutt-users that:
> >I have limited quota on this machine (where the IMAP server is
> >running) so what I want to do is periodically archive and delete old
> One thing can be done - when you use procmail on your remote imap folder
> to refile stuff, also use formail to add a header X-Folder: foo
> When you fetch the mails to your local box, you can filter for X-Folder.
> Trivial - but much easier (if far less satisfying) than concocting arcane
> macros :)
Neat, but unfortunately although I use procmail here it doesn't get
used to process the mail I want to archive.
Most of the mail I want to archive is put here from remote mutt
clients 'manually' (using the macros I've been muttering about for the
past few weeks). They are stored on the IMAP server here so I can
view and refer to them from any of my mutt clients.
I've just had a thought, there isn't a huge amount of mail here in the
IMAP folders, just 1.8Mb at the moment. I can just gzip the whole lot
up and copy it to my home machine and gunzip it into a directory
there. All I need to do then is delete the old mail from the IMAP
hierarchy here and I'll have an image of what was on the IMAP server
on a specific date on my home machine.
So at the end of each period (month, year, whatever) I just take a
snapshot of the IMAP server and put it in a directory called something
like jul1997 on my home machine. The duplication of some messages on
the home machine doesn't really matter.
That won't need complex scripts or macros at all, I'll probably clear
out the old mail from here manually as there are some folders I
probably won't delete old mail from.
Thinking 'out loud' on the list does have some advantages! :-)
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