Chris --

...and then Chris Green said...
% On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 07:19:44PM +0200, clemensF wrote:
% > 
% > if you enjoy the neccessary priviledges on the place hosting your
% > 
% Well I should do, the IMAP server is running as a user process, all
% the files are in my user area and all the files are owned and
% writeable by me.

Please forgive me for stating the obvious, but is the imapd running in
the user space actually running with your UID, and doess it expect to
be in the user space (or at least be happy) and not try to do some fancy
change-euid for file manipulation?

% -- 
% Chris Green ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
%   Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
%   WWW:

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Note: If gives you fits, try in its place. *sigh*

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