On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 05:12:26PM +0200, Christian Ordig wrote:
> On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 08:09:06AM +0200, Frank Derichsweiler wrote:
> > Now I would like to be abe to create a header with To:
> > <mailinglist-adress> by pressing e.g. M. Pressing m should produce a
> > template with empty To: field. Therefore setting a my_hdr in a
> > folder-hook is not appropriate for me.
> maybe I misunderstood you, but pressing L should do the stuff...
pressing L means: reply to the list.
I would like to start a new thread, i.e. create a mail with no
reference to old ones. This one should have the list address in the to
header field.
I know that I can use aliases etc. But I would like to have one key
press in order to create a new mail with proper to header field. 
Using the my_hdr to is not appropriate because then I have to delete
the to header in case where I would like to reply as a personal mail!


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