On Thu, 11 May 2000, Carlos Puchol wrote:

| hi, thanks for your tip.
| it looks like the problematic part of the rpm spec is this one:
| %install
| rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
| make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr \
|   sharedir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc \
|   sysconfdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc \
|   docdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/doc/mutt-%{version} install
| i don't know much about rpms, but
| i have tried removing the $RPM_BUILD_ROOT, and what
| happens is that when the install time comes,
| it tries to overwrite stuff in /etc, naturally, however,
| i always compile rpms as a uder, never as root, to
| prevent percisely these kinds of security violations.
| do you have any suggestions?

It is the $RPM_BUILD_ROOT that allows users to build rpms.  The install is
all done under $RPM_BUILD_ROOT and then that prefix is stripped by by RPM
in the %files section.  The problem arises when somebody hardcodes a path
that should be $RPM_BUILD_ROOT into part of the spec file.

| alternatively, are there any suggestions of
| some place to get some decent
| (s)rpms that of mutt 1.2?
| thanks for your help,
| ++ carlos

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