> Gero Treuner (Tue 09.0500-23:35):
> You describe the functionality of a full featured mail alerting program.
> Such things exist, I vaguely remember some being mentioned on the mutt
> WWW pages.

biff and friends?

> > Is there any way to make either vim or mutt run the program automatically (or,
> > even better, prompt me to ask about it) before i (quit vim|send the mail)? I
> > realize that this is something of an off-topic question, but I figured while
> > people are discussing useful vim variables to set, it would be OK.
> Yes. Set something like (assuming linebreak is a filter, and $tmpdir is
> a directory of your own)
>   set editor='vim %s ; linebreak %s > %s~ ; mv %s~ %s'

or maybe, while still in the editor, say "!Gfmt 75 76", always assuming you
sit at a std unix box.

clemens                            ([EMAIL PROTECTED], pgp key available)

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