On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 08:15:51PM +0200, Marius Gedminas mentioned:
> On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 12:03:15PM +0100, John P . Looney wrote:
> >  Has anyone noticed that sometimes, when viewing a mail with Lynx, through
> > mutt, that they fight over the terminal ?
> Not with mutt, but lynx used to fight with Midnight Commander this way
> on my system.  The reason was an extra `&' in /usr/lib/mc/mc.ext that
> sent lynx into background unnecessarily (well, maybe that did work with
> gmc, but definitely not with mc in an xterm).  I suggest you to check
> your mailcap for spurious ampersands.

 Gah. It had:

text/html; lynx %s&; needsterminal;;

 Well, that's that mystery solved. Only last week someone pointed out
about bash needing a \[ and \] between non printable characters, or
terminals wouldn't render my prompt properly. Whoohoo!


"The fool must be beaten with a stick, for an intelligent person 
the merest hint is sufficient"                -- Zen Master Greg

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