On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 09:06:30PM -0400, John P. Verel muttered:
-> Hi.  I'm having a problem with autoview with Netscape.  What I want to
-> do is have mutt launch Netscape if not running, use as remote if
-> already running.
-> My .mailcap includes:
-> text/html; netscape -remote 'openURL(%s)'; copiousoutput;
-> My .muttrc includes:
-> auto_view text/html
-> If I have Netscape open, all works fine.  However, when I add
-> test=RunningNetscape at the end of the above .mailcap line, I get an
-> error message and mutt dies.
-> Similarly, if I add this line to follow the .mailcap line above --
-> text/html; netscape 'openURL(%s)'; copiousoutput
-> -- I get an error message.
-> I'd have thought this would have launched Netscape.  I've tried to get
-> this according to the manual, but so far, no luck.

I have no idea what the manual says, or to what maual you refer.

I think you need a script to launch netscape. It should determine if the
present user has an instance of netscape running. If not, it should launch
netscape as follows:

netscape (%s) &

If netscape is already running, it should senit the file to be displayed
as you have it above.


                -- C^2

No windows were crashed in the making of this email.

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