Michael Tatge [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, May 01, 2000 at 09:51:00AM -0400, Hardy Merrill wrote:
> > Newbie question about a simple function that I can't find anywhere
> > - when I'm reading a message that I want to save, how do I create
> > a new "file" to save it in. The more general question is, how do
> > I create a new file to save mutt messages in?
> Why don't you try to (s)ave it?
Tried that, but unless you know about "N" to create a new file, "s"
doesn't do you much good - at least in my situation where I wanted
to "s"ave the message to a "new" file. :) I was just confused - I
didn't get that "N" should be used to create new files to store
messages - "N"s description "Select a new file in this directory"
threw me off - I was looking for something to "create" a new file.
"Select a new file" makes me think select a file from the list
of existing files - not create a new file. Now I know - thanks to
Mikko for pointing out "N".