Eric --
...and then Eric Smith said...
% According to Francisco D. Borges on Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 04:51:25PM -0300:
% | » Eric Smith wrote:
% |
% | > like say:
% | > /urgent/ red
% | > /log/ yellow
% |
% | Try this :^) it does the trick for me:
% | color index red black "~s urgent" # Msg is urgent
% |
% aside:
% - silly example we are using, as we all know that any message
% with /urgent/i in the Subject should be plonked ;)
% Now anyone know if one may mix the above example with flags
% so that:
% color index brightred black "~s urgent"
% becomes
% color index red black ~D
% but the latter must only refer to meeages matching"~s urgent"
I'm a little confused... So you mean that urgent but deleted messages
are red and other urgent messages are brightred? If so, how about
something like
color index brightred black "~s urgent"
color index red black "~D ~s urgent"
for your needs?
% So you may get the meaning from the color and then the status flag from
% the toming of that color.
Does "toming" mean brightness? Sorry :-)
% --
% Eric Smith
David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles
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Note: If gives you fits, try in its place. *sigh*
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