Grrr... This is upsetting. I hope I figure this out......!!!!!!!!!11
Sorry, just had to vent.
On Fri, Apr 14, 2000 at 02:12:40AM +0200, Sebastian Helms muttered:
| Hi Jason,
| * Jason Helfman wrote on 13 Apr 2000:
| > | mbox-hook ! 'in-mutt-users' +lists/mutt-users/`date +%Y-%m`
| >
| > i am not sure i understand this all that much, according to the manual,
| > there are three types of hooks that can be used, and this uses none of
| > them, as far as I can tell....?
| Well, then I should tell my system it oughtn't work.. :-)
| mbox-hook folderx foldery
| tells mutt that, when I leave folderx, my read mail should be moved
| on to foldery, IMHO. At least it works this way here ;-)
| and the `date +%Y-%m` produces the date like 2000-04, so my mutt
| mails get written to $HOME/Mail/lists/mutt-users/2000-04, at least
| till the end of month.
| btw mutt-manual, section 3.10
| Regards,
| Sebastian
| --
| "No worries." - Rincewind
| Sebastian Helms - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (PGP available)
"At any given moment, you may find the ticket to the circus that has always beenin
your possession."
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