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On Sun, Apr 16, 2000 at 02:55:06AM +0300, Mikko Hänninen wrote:
> Jean-Sebastien Morisset <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Sat, 15 Apr 2000:
> > I'd like to see the To: addresses when I'm in my sent folder. Right now, I
> > see the From:. Kinda redundant since it's always from me. :-) Is there a
> > setting in my muttrc I can use to change this?
> Yes, it's called $alternates and by setting that correctly you tell Mutt
> which addresses are your own.  Mutt will then know to display the
> recipient instead of the sender info for those emails.  Refer to the
> manual for more details on $alternates.

Excellent! It works great.

> > I also had a similar problem when defining an address as a "list". All I'd
> > see in the index was the To: address. Kinda redundant again, since every
> > message in that folder (put there by procmail) was To: the same address.
> > :-)
> Sounds like you want a folder-specific setting.  Use a folder-hook to
> set your $index_format variable for that folder so that To/From info is
> not displayed (or is displayed however you want it to be).  Remember
> that you also need a default folder-hook for setting the $index_format
> for other folders.

It turns out it's easier than that. I changed the global $index_format and
changed the %L (list-from) to %F (author or recipient).

- -- 
Jean-Sebastien Morisset, Sr. UNIX Admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Personal Homepage <http://www.jsmoriss.dyndns.org/> 
UNIX, Internet, Homebrewing, Cigars, PCS, CP2020 and other Fun Stuff...
This is Linux Country. On a quiet night you can hear Windows NT reboot!

Version: PGP 6.5.1i
Comment: Personal Home Page <http://jsm.montreal.qc.ca/>


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