Duncan Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Wed, 12 Apr 2000:
> >   fcc-save-hook . "set save_name=+%o"
> >   fcc-save-hook @ncube.com "set save_name=+ncube/%o"
> I finally got around to trying this and when I try the above commands or
> varients I get the following.
> hook:  fcc-hook @ncube.com "set save_name=+%o"
> Here I get an Fcc: "set save_name=%o"

I think the examples are a bit off, fcc-hook (and fcc-save-hook) don't
take a command, they just should be followed with an expression which
is the desired folder name.

> I tried with single quotes and without any quotes and I also
> tried to simplify the expression as 
> fcc-hook @ncube +%o

That's better.

> I can live without the subdirectory by moving all non ncube stuff to
> subdirectories, all I really want is to fcc to the same folder as my save
> folder.  I currently use the default save folder.

Have you tried this, based on the original examples:

  fcc-save-hook . +%o
  fcc-save-hook @ncube.com +ncube/%o

... would that do what you want?

// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //  http://www.iki.fi/wiz/
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
"OK, who stopped the payment on my reality check?"

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