I have a great script that I have added to since, but this is my
lists.rc file that is called with .procmailrc
email me off the list if you would like it.
On Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 12:25:24AM +0100, Lars Hecking muttered:
| Arnold S. Ferrer writes:
| > How do I filter email using mutt (Mutt 1.0i)? To have mutt
| > take any message with a subject pattern and have it move the mail
| > from the imap server to my local folder, say junk or something.
| >
| > Specifically, the pattern of the Subject field is:
| >
| > RNA000000nnnnnn new ticket for SCH Help Center
| >
| > Where nnnnnn are six digits that change all the time.
| >
| > Some form of a hook???
| Ideally, mail should be filtered before mutt gets to see it. Ie. by
| using fetchmail+procmail to d/l mail from the server and filter it
| into separate mailboxes.
| If I were to do this manually, I would tag-pattern (default 'T') the
| messages and tag-save (;s) them into a save-hook specified location.
| (This can probaby be put into a macro).
| No need to tag if there's only one, in which case they can be saved
| straight away.
| The save-hook for your case would be something like
| save-hook '~s ^RNA000000' +junk
| or
| save-hook '~s ^RNA0{6}[0-9]{6} new ticket for SCH Help Center' +junk
| or
| save-hook '~s RNA000000' +junk
| or
| save-hook '~s RNA0{6}[0-9]{6} new ticket for SCH Help Center' +junk
| The first two don't match replies (Subject: Re: RNA....). The 2nd and 4th
| prevent a match on "Subject: RNA000000 hello world" etc. The fuzziness of
| the match is up to you :)
"At any given moment, you may find the ticket to the circus that has always beenin
your possession."
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